Module C
Research and personal reflection
Sabine Woudenberg

♥ In preparation for this final class, we would like you to also reflect individually on:
What do you take with you from this module (in terms of method, tools, reference, attitude..)?
And how what we explored during this module can be linked to your major?

It has been a very interesting 4 weeks, filled with curiosity. I was introduced to a lot of new methods and tools.
I haven't looked at the topic of the restriction of freedom in public transportation before. I would not say that this is
something I normally deal with within my own artistic practice. Yet it was intriguing to be involved in this,
especially because it is so recognizable. Almost daily I find myself in public transportation, where all restrictions and fears have become almost normal and invisible.
It's part of the experience. But should it be? Hearing all these collective familiar experiences, but also new ones, once made me aware of the positive and negative sides within traveling with public transportation. The many sources on this also showed me new sides, in which I could also recognize my privilege position. Learning about so many new contexts which happen in a very familiar place was very interesting and helps to understand the world in new ways a bit better and how there is still a lot of space left for improvement.
By walking through this within the group and the class almost literally (with our eyes close :) ) it has shown me new ways of working and thinking.
Like the performative classes. This is something I've recently been diving into myself. To experience, as well as trying it out for myself within our own presentation, has really inspired me for the future, but also on how to apply a performative act within my own major.

The references were also very interesting and nice to read. What especially struck me is that a theory text doesn't have to be an "ordinary"
text. The poetic and cinematic sources are definitely places I will return to in the future, or apply myself.
Also, the many places where we could find these sources were really super helpful! (Jstor Zotero, Z-library and memory of the world).